Gmail Signature

Gmail Signature

Would you like to add a signature to all of the e-mails you send out in your Gmail account? It’s easy, here’s how!

First of all, a signature is a little ending you can put in each e-mail you send out. It can be a personal signature with a quote or poem or it can be a business type signature that has all of your contact information.

To create a signature in Gmail, click on the Settings link that is at the very top of the page. Scroll down until you see the Signature section. Click on the radio button beside the blank box and that will allow you to type in your message. So, go ahead and type in your signature, whatever you’d like it to say. When you’re done, scroll down to the bottom and click on Save Changes. Here’s a sample signature:

Keep in mind that your signature will appear at the bottom of every e-mail you send, so if you don’t want it on a certain e-mail, make sure you delete it before you send the e-mail. Gmail adds your signature at the bottom of your e-mails in a gray color and they are separated from your original text by two dashes.

~ Erin

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