Pets on the Go

Pets on the Go

It’s hard to travel places when you have pets. Do you take them with you, do you hire a sitter or maybe you even kennel them. Well, this site is here to make the decision to travel with your pets easier. Find lots of pet-friendly places, whether you are looking for a hotel, bed and breakfast, resort, inn or private rental.

Let’s start with the pet-friendly property search. You’ll find the “Start the Search” link right under the Pets on the Go logo at the top of the page. Click the button and you will be taken to the next page, which explains the search engine and gives you the choice of searching in the United States/Canada or the World. Choose the search engine you want and it will take you to the correct page. Now, from the drop down menu, choose the country/state/province you want to search for pet-friendly listings.

You know what is really neat is that if you are traveling out of country, it shows you the pet importation regulations. That’s very important information. Let me tell you, you don’t want to go a on a two week trip with your pet and find out that the poor thing will be in quarantine for six months.

Now, if scroll down to the middle of the main page, you’ll find a heading that reads Pet Travel and underneath it in the text, you’ll find the links to the Tips for Travel and blogs! You can also check out articles on advice and take polls!

So, get ready to go on an adventure with your best friend!

~ Amanda

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