What Is Cross-Site Scripting?

Kitty from Pittsburgh, Texas

What is cross-site scripting? Some times (usually when taking a survey)I get the message Internet explorer has modified this page to help prevent cross-site scripting. Is this something I should be concerned about? Oh, I am 66 and you guys and gals have taught me how to do anything that I need to do on my computer. If its not in your newsletter (am a premium member) I can always find the answer on your web site. Love ya all.

Thanks Kitty! We love our readers. Cross-site scripting is a security vulnerability sometimes found in web applications. It can be used by attackers to bypass access controls. They can be petty nuisances  or pose major security issues.

Some times attacks are disguised in the form of things like surveys, so it’s a good thing that Internet Explorer is preventing cross-site scripting. A good Internet security program, proper security settings on your browser and caution on your part should be able to protect you from these attacks.

~ Cynthia


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