Stay Safe With the Stop-Attack App

Safety comes first in the Stop-Attack app for Android and iOS devices. App users just “Tap…record, get help, take control” for situations involving street harassment, bullying and assault. Available for just 99 cents from Google Play and App Store, the Stop-Attack app works best for smaller mobile devices though it is available on tablets. Coverage is global so users can use the app anywhere.


This app records audio and video evidence while alerting predetermined contacts of trouble in seconds.  This “virtual witness” gathers valuable evidence which can be used later as proof of an attack; physical or verbal.


Users can create the contacts (friends, family, local first responders, etc.) in the “Panic List”. These key notifications can occur instantly or after a delay set by the user. The app sends a identifying message (“___ is sending you an emergency alert…”) with a link for GPS location and recording(s) to the contacts.


Recordings are sent directly to a secured cloud storage location in real time, so users don’t have to worry about keeping memory available on their device plus they have that record even if the device is damaged or broken. Users have privacy settings and special access to manage any recording in the members section of the Stop-Attack website.


The interface is easy-to-use for all ages. Once completing the initial setup, users open the app then see the main “standby” screen with settings in upper left and information on the upper right. Users get the large Stop-Attack icon screen space (marked in red) to start recording accompanying by the preselected notifications, deterring sounds, alarm, flashlight, etc. Users can also set specific hot-keys if preferred.

After the app has been fully activated, the phone displays the recording, notification alert status and the phone settings. Users also have the ability to call the authorities. The Stop-Attack app is the inaugural product from the self-funded Braxington Technologies, LLC.

~ Mike Siebenaler

2 thoughts on “Stay Safe With the Stop-Attack App

  1. Hi Mike,

    Thanks for a detailed information of an essential App. However, it would have been helpful had the price of this App and a link to the developer been included too.

    1. The price of the app (.99) is included in the article, as well as where to find it. You need to go to the app store for your device in order to download. Tapping the icon for that is the quickest and easiest way to get the app.

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