Austen Said

As both a lover of the works of Jane Austen and Digital Humanities I am very happy to bring you this site today! Austen Said is a Digital Humanities project that looks specifically at the patterns of Austen’s diction in her writing, and allows you to look at word frequencies,and novel visualizations based on the data collected by the project.

When you arrive at the site, you’ll find a passage of Austen’s work (from Pride and Prejudice) next to a version of the same project encoded for the project. Along the top of the page, you’ll find navigation options that will take you to the Word Frequencies and Novel Visualizations sections and to information about the project in Background and the folks making it in the About section.

In the Word Frequencies section offers you many ways to explore the word frequencies that crop up in an analysis of Austen’s works. You can browse by direct speech, indirect speech, gender, occupation, martial status, class, and age just to name a few, and you can limit it by specific novels.

In the Novel Frequencies section, you can select from Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion, Northanger Abbey, Sense and Sensibility, Emma, and Mansfield Park, and look at their specific visualizations of diction.

This is a really cool way to explore Austen’s novels. Go check it out for yourself today!


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