Old program not working? Try this

If you’ve got issues with an older program getting along with Windows 10, try this quick tip for checking for issues.

Click on the Start Menu and choose the Settings gear.


Then select Update & Security.


Then choose Troubleshoot.


In the center pane, scroll down to Program Compatibility Troubleshooter.


Click on it, and then on Run the troubleshooter.


When the window below opens, scroll down and select the program, you’re having problems with. Then click Next.


You can choose between the recommended setting or troubleshooting the program by selecting issues you’ve noticed.


Tick the box beside the issue you’re experiencing.


Depending on what the issue is, you may have to answer a series of questions.


In this case, Troubleshooter want to test out the program. It’s quite easy to use and the wizard will give you step-by-step instructions.


Once the diagnosis is complete, you’ll be offered fixes to make the program work. Or you might also be told that it’s just plain incompatible. If it is, at least you’ll know it’s time to give up.

Give it a try.


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