Wait — That's Not What I Want!

Wait — That’s Not What I Want!

Have you ever found yourself frustrated with the AutoCorrect feature found in the MS Office suite programs?

Yeah, I’m sure you have.

Most of the time they’re helpful little changes in spelling or things like capitalization and we’re thankful to have the program looking out for us.

But… what about the times when AutoCorrect is making changes that we really don’t want or need?

Sometimes it’s enough to make a person want to turn AutoCorrect features off entirely.

Oh, but wait, don’t panic and don’t do anything that drastic just yet. (After all, there are a lot of helpful AutoCorrect things happening all the time—you’d really miss them if they were gone.)

The next time AutoCorrect makes a change you don’t want stop where you are and try and Undo.

Yep, Undo. Either click the Undo button in the Standard toolbar or use Ctrl + Z.

Since the AutoCorrect changes are actions that happened after your information was entered an immediate Undo will remove the correction and send you happily on your way.

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