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Now you may be scratching your head trying to figure out what’s so special about this site. I did at first. It’s a way to discover India.

This site is really easy to navigate. You can click the links on the rainbow colored hand or you can use the links directly below it. The categories are: Stories, Poems, Folktales, Activities, OMG, Q & A, Games, Katha, Earth, India, Poll, Record Book, Jokes, Parenting, Health, Legends, E-Pal, E-Greetings, My Page, Books and Video. That’s a lot of content for you to enjoy.

Stories, Poems, Folktales and Katha – these sections are all about Indian literature, folktales and myths. I found this area very interesting. I especially liked the folktales and the myths.

OMG, Games and Activities – here you will find games and activities to do. I really want to mention the OMG section. In the OMG section, you will find amazing facts, such as: the Irish drink more tea than any other nation in the world or that the first ballet tutu was worn onstage in 1832 in Paris.

Poll – this is a great section if you like taking polls. You’re given a bunch of topics you can vote on. Your voting options are Yes, No and Can’t Say.

E-pal – find an E-pal from India to e-mail online with this site.

E-greetings- here you will find free e-cards to send out to your friends and family.

As you can tell, this is just the tip of the iceberg, so get some coffee and start exploring!


~ Amanda

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