Desert Island Library

Desert Island Library

Do you enjoy recommending books, movies and music to your friends and family? Well, if you do, this site is for you! If you are always looking for something new to read, watch or listen to, you will definitely enjoy this site. And the really cool thing is that it’s free!

The first thing you need to do is register. You can find the link to register in two places: on the light blue bar above the darker blue area and on the side menu. There’s a white button that reads Register. Either option works and once you register, you are immediately logged in and can get started.

The way that you get recommendations is by adding friends, so if you like the concept, you may want to pass this on to your friends. I suggest getting started by inviting your friends and then making your favorites list.

My Favorites – This link takes you to the page where you can add your favorite movies, TV shows, books, music and songs. In the drop down box, select the type that you want to add (movie, book, music, etc). Then you can type in the name of the title. Once you do that, click continue and it will search the library and see if that submission is already listed. It will generate a list of the closest matches to your entry. If you see yours, go ahead and click on it. If you don’t, you can add it by clicking the “None of the Above – Let’s Add It” button under the results. This will take you to a form that you can fill out with all the information you have on the submission.

My Profile – This is where you can edit your profile information that you put in when you signed up. You can add to it or delete information as you like. You can even delete your account if you ever want to do that.

The idea of this site is so intriguing to me. I can’t wait to see how it develops as time goes on. If you want to have input into the changes made in the library, I suggest signing up to be a beta tester for the site. You have to register and then click the link “Become a Beta Tester.”

This is a great way to share recommendations. Enjoy!

~ Amanda

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