Bug Targets VLC Player On XP

If you are a diehard XP user running the extremely useful VLC player, there’s a bug specifically targeting you.

The bug would let a specially designed video file corrupt the memory on your computer and then execute a malicious code that could take over your machine and just about do what it wants.


There is a fairly quick fix for that particular bug, you can download this release candidate for VLC and give it a try.  But that won’t fix the larger issue that nearly 20% of the computers out there are still running the XP operating system.

There’s been no support from Microsoft for XP since April of 2014. That not only leaves the OS vulnerable to attack, but hackers know XP systems are vulnerable. It’s a little bit like having broken locks on your door and sign hanging on the telephone pole at the corner reading “The locks are broken at 115 Main Street!”

As always, I advise those still running XP to stay offline, switch their browser from Internet Explorer and try these other tips for staying safer with XP.

~ Cynthia


0 thoughts on “Bug Targets VLC Player On XP

  1. Cynthia, you are determined to get everyone off XP. Why? It is the best operating system M/S ever developed. You must be on their payroll.

    1. As I have said before, far from being on Microsoft’s payroll, they are actually on mine – since I have a subscription to Office 365 and purchased a Microsoft Surface. I never said XP wasn’t a great OS. It could be the best OS in the history of the world, but that still doesn’t change the fact that there is no security support for it and it is vulnerable to attack. You could have the nicest house on the block, but if the locks don’t work, it isn’t safe to live there.

      1. People who subscribe to the concept, ‘even a broken clock is correct twice a day’ may be right, but the clock is ‘STILL BROKE’.

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