
Unsplash has been my go-to for free high-quality images that can be used for any purpose, but I’m super stoked that they’re no longer the only website out there offering free stock photos! If you haven’t guessed, today’s site Pexels offers you free-high quality stock photographs all in one place!

When you arrive at the site, you’ll find a search box and a selection of the highest trending images on the site. It’s easy to start searching, just type in a keyword for what subject you want the photos to contain and click the magnifying glass (or hit enter on your keyboard). For example, I searched corgi, and it found me two free images of cute corgis!

Those were narrow results, so I expanded my search by just searching for dogs. This brought me a lot more images of cute dogs!  At the top of the page, it also offered me related searches – pet and cat – that I could click and see the results for.

Because this site is an aggregator of free stock images all over the web, I was very happy to see that when you click onto an image it describes where it found it on the web with a source tag and offers you a way to save it to a favorites collection in addition to the download option.

The one caveat I think needs mentioned is that when you’re browsing it will also offer you Sponsored Photos from Twenty20 (a subscription-based stock photograph site). Just be careful that the images you’re clicking on aren’t from their ads, or you’ll be whisked away to another site.

Other than that, this is an amazing resource for free stock photos!


One thought on “Pexels

  1. Cyn, I,m having problem find a stock photo site I can contribute to. I have skillions of images and just as many topics. The stock photo companies I have put photos in just are not moving my photos. I’ve considered calendar companies that would buy photos. Know any? Comments, ideas appreciated, Trish

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