Fixing unresponsive script in Firefox: part 2

Yesterday, we tackled the issue of an unresponsive script in Firefox.  You can click here to read the first part of that article.


Today, we’ll explore another solution to try if the first one doesn’t work. This one should be helpful if you only get script errors on certain websites. Start by opening Firefox. Then follow this link: to open the add-ons store to the JavaScript Toggle On and Off (WebExtension). Click the + button next to Add to my Firefox.


This page will open. You can scroll down to read the FAQ, but don’t click on any of the Start downloading buttons. They are just ads for other extensions.


Now we want to make sure that the add-on knows which sites you want to allow to run scripts. Slick the three-line menu bar at the top right of Firefox and choose Add-ons from the drop-down menu.


Find JavaScript Toggle and click options.


Scroll down and under White-list, enter the address of the website or websites you’ve had issues with. Separate the sites with a comma. Click Save.


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