Get free audiobooks with LibriVox

Services like Audible are great, but they can be expensive. If you enjoy listening to audiobooks, you’ll love this free app. It offers free access to over 24,000 audiobooks on your phone or tablet or PC. Most of them are classics. You’ll find authors like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Jane Austen, H.G. Wells, Mark Twain, Edgar Allen Poe, Jules Verne, Charles Dickens, Edgar Rice Burroughs, William Shakespeare, and even thousands of old-time radio broadcasts. For those who enjoy listening to the Bible, you’ll find several translations to choose from.


You can search by author, title, genre, or favorite narrator. Or you can look for newer recording or search by a favorite narrator. The simple interface makes it easy to find what you’re looking for. You can choose to stream the books or download them on your PC, phone, or tablet. You can even burn them to a CD or copy to a flash drive if you like.


You can pause, go forward or go back in the file.


You’ll be able to rate and review books you listen to and check out what other listeners think of the books.


You can make unlimited customizable bookmarks.


You can also set a timer to stop playback. This is a great feature for listening at bedtime.


In addition to free books, U.S. users can also purchase from a library of 75,000 new releases and bestsellers.

You don’t need a smartphone or tablet to listen to LibreVox. You can head to their website at


Most of the books are in English, but you will find a selection in French, Spanish, Italian, German, and other languages.


The browser interface is simple as well.


If you’d like to help out, you can even volunteer to read books to help out the LibreVox project.


Click here to check out the website.

Click here to check it out for Android.

Click here to check out the app for Android or iPad.

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