
Are you looking for a job? Would you like to do so more efficiently? Well then you have to give JobHero a go! 

JobHero is an all in one job search site that allows you to look for jobs, track your applications, and follow up on them in one location.

When you arrive at the site, I recommend checking out the main page as it gives you a basic idea of what the site does. 

When you’re ready to begin, click the Get Started, It’s Free  button. You can either create an account using the form or you can sign in with your LinkedIn account. If you have a LinkedIn profile, it’s probably a great idea to use that to log in with. 

Once you’re logged in, it will give you a tutorial of the dashboard. I suggest working all the way through the tutorial, it is really helpful and walks you through everything. ‘

I really like that this is an all in one tool where you can search for jobs, apply, and then keep track of them. Especially after watching my sister trying to juggle site after site to try and find a new job this spring. 

Go check it out for yourself today!


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