How Can I Add New Colors To Live Mail?

After checking out the color-hex CoolSite, Virginia had a question about how to add color to her e-mail.  “I’ve been looking for a way to get brown in my list of type colors for emails. (I’m using WindowsMail) I see the color I want on this webpage but it doesn’t tell me how to get it into my list of colors. Do you know how?”

Virgina, I’m assuming that you’re using Windows Live Mail and it’s pretty easy to add a new type color to your list of options. I want you to go to the color-hex page and find that color you like. I also want you to open up your LiveMail and create a new message. Type out some text, then click the Font Color Icon. Choose More colors.


Here you can pick from additional colors or create custom colors. Choose Define Custom Colors.


This window will open.


You can drag the cursor around to select a color.


Or you can input the values of a particular color. To use the color-hex page, click on the the color you like.


You’ll see the RGB (red, green, blue) and HSL (Hue, Saturation, Luminance) values for that color.


Enter either set of values in the box. Then choose Add to Custom Colors.


That shade will now appear as one of your custom colors. Click OK to save.


When you go to write an e-mail, choose your font color and then More colors. The recently added shade will be saved there under Custom colors.


~ Cynthia


One thought on “How Can I Add New Colors To Live Mail?

  1. When I posted my question to you I was referring about using WindowsMail, NOT Windows Live Mail. Those are two completely different email programs. The answer you posted was referring to Windows Live Mail. I can’t use it.

    I appreciate your efforts, however. Do you happen to know the answer for WindowsMail?

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