Verizon’s New ‘Up’ Reward Program


Verizon Wireless customers can now get rewarded for purchases and services ranging from simple everyday perks to exclusive, once-in-a-lifetime experiences (special music concert experiences, premiere sporting events, etc.). Everyday perks include gifts from vendors including Amazon, Headspace, Boxed, Electronic Arts, Uber services, HBO, and the NFL.

Verizon Up replaces the Smart Rewards program (ended on August 1, 2017) where participants earn one credit for every $300 spent on a Verizon Wireless bill. Customers have 60 days to redeem the credit (press the “Use” tab any time) once it shows up in their account. Features customize to each participant so each reward connects with his or her specific interests. Each reward has an expiration date. NOTE: to be eligible users must enroll in Verizon Selects, which allows tracking of your personal data like app usage, device location, demographics, interests and web browsing.

Verizon also supports their own devices, accessories and even data (in addition to existing data plans; 1GB or 2GB) by allowing participants to bank up $10 at a time (up to $240).

Various sign-up bonuses (using the Verizon app) include a $5 Starbuck gift card. Just scroll down the page to “join up,” then enter your email and they will send you a link to download the app to your device. Once you’ve downloaded, the first banner in your feed will ask if you’d like to join their new loyalty program. Log in your account then navigate to the end where you’ll find a credit and other options.

Mobile users can download the My Verizon app (on iTunes and Google Play).

2 thoughts on “Verizon’s New ‘Up’ Reward Program

  1. And there’s the sticking point – you must join Verizon Selects, and those terms and conditions are so horrific that I didn’t get halfway through them before declining. It essentially allows Verizon to data mine you, your conversations, your searches and browsing, your activities… and then sell that information to the highest bidder (in their little network of companies like AOL and Yahoo). You then get bombarded with ads relevant to the information they mined from you. And you get points. No, thank you.

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