Tech Definition: What’s a thread?

Today a reader asked me to explain what the term “thread” means when it relates to a message board.


When you’re talking about messages of any kind, whether they are text messages, emails, posts to a forum, or comments on an article – thread just means that particular message or subject.

If someone asked a question about how to make type larger in Windows 7 and there were several suggestions – the original question and all the replies to it would be part of that message thread.

If there are a series of comments on a Facebook posting, all of the comments would be part of that comment thread.

It’s considered good etiquette to stick to the subject of the post



3 thoughts on “Tech Definition: What’s a thread?

  1. So how do you make the text larger in Windows 10. And how do I know if the new version of Windows 10 actually downloaded? I asked these questions earlier, Too. Trish

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