The World Population Project

selective focus photography of two women s white and black tops

This project aims to create a demography (the study of human populations) more widely available to people around the world, so that we can get a better sense trends of social and economic developments happening around the world.

When you arrive at the site, the first thing you’ll probably notice is the Population Clock.

You can contribute the project by checking out the statistics surrounding your existence. You’ll do this by inputting your birthdate, the country where you were born, and your sex at birth. This generates some cool information!

I found out that I’m 56% older than most people alive around the world, and 46% older than the people in the United States. As I scroll down through the results I learned about important milestones coming up, that I share a birthday with roughly 295,885 people around the world, they estimate I have another 52.8 years to live based on living in the United States. You can then compare versus another other country in the world.

Click around on stuff, there are a lot of interactive parts to check out after you have input your birth information.

You can also check out the methodology used in to create this project, by clicking the Methodology link at the top of the page. I was interested to see where they were pulling this information from.

Go check out where you fit into the world’s population today!


3 thoughts on “The World Population Project

  1. Some info may be accurate; but it is interesting to see the “predictions” of my future!!!
    If the “death” date is correct, I’ll have to get someone delegated to respond to you as to the accuracy!!!

  2. Small quibble — you are older than 56% of the world’s population, not 56% older than the world’s population.

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