Gardens for Every Body

The goal of this site is to show how to make gardening accessible to persons with physical limitations—thus the term “Every BODY” in the title. Not only is this site informative, but fun as well. To navigate around this site choose one of the numbers on the picture 1-7.

1. Container Gardening — this section talks all about container gardening in it’s many varieties, from window boxes to hanging baskets. The information you need to know about this type of gardening is all located here. On the main picture on the home page you’ll have noticed that this section was by some window boxes—it’s nice to have a visual of what they are talking about, isn’t it?

2. Raised Beds — this talks about raised beds, that is, the garden is higher than the ground level and may be enclosed with decorative trim. This section goes into the four different types of raised beds, how to construct one, and how to take care of it.

3. Garden Pathways — this section discusses the many types of pathways that you can put in your garden, both hard surface and soft surface paths, as well as some basic rules for pathways to make them accesible.

4. Trellis Gardening — this section talks about trellis gardening for climbing plants and space saving options. There are some great links to some very helpful sites on trellis gardening. I always wanted to make an arbor, and it runs along the same principle as trellis gardening.

5. Health and Safety — The emphasis of this site being gardeners with disabilities, this section goes into the safety measures that should be taken when gardening. If you follow the 15 guidelines in this section gardening should be a fun, a healthy exercise for you.

6. Special Considerations — This section will deal with specific health problems and give great tips for those who want to garden but have a disability, whether kids or grandparents, this section can make gardening easier and safer, as well as give you ideas you may not have thought of yet on your own.

7. The Tool Shed — this section is a number on its own so you can explore the benefits of having a tool shed. From sit down gardening to proper tool storage this section is a nice bonus for those just getting started or looking for alternatives to what they already have. This section also discusses ergonomically designed tools which keep the body in a neutral position and help to lower the stress on bones and joints.

This is one of the coolest gardening sites we’ve found yet, I can’t wait to share it with my mom who has bad knees and loves to garden.


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