In The News 07-17-15

More People Keeping Their Old Android Phones

Android phone maker Samsung is seeing a dip in sales. The Galaxy S6 phone has not sold as well as expected.  The company shipped 7 million fewer phones in the second quarter of 2015 than it did in the first three months of the year.


The reasons behind the drop are things that could actually be considered good news. The company underestimated the demand of the Galaxy Edge phones. Consumers who couldn’t get the Edge were content to wait until they could to upgrade and many users of older Galaxy phones seem to like them well enough to stick with them for a bit longer.  Some had concerns about the lack of an SD card and removable battery in the S6. Some users, like me, find that their old Galaxy (I have a GS4) still works perfectly fine and there aren’t any features so appealing on these new models that I’m willing to spend a few hundred bucks to get one.

Forget Emoticons – Facebook Wants To Send Real Emotions

You may not need those smiley-faced emoticons for your messages and posts in the future. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg thinks that someday, in the not-too-distant future, you’ll be able to send actual emotions to your friends.


He calls it “the ultimate communication technology” and theorizes that “we’ll have the power to share our full sensory and emotional experience with people whenever we’d like.”

Right now it sounds pretty far-fetched, but 25 years ago, you would have had quite a time convincing me that I’d be able to have free video-chats with my friends on other continents using a computer/camera/phone/music player  that I kept in my pocket.

Assembly Line Worker Killed By Robot

This is the way it always starts in the movies, but it was a real-life tragedy in Germany when an auto assembly worker was was rushed by a robot at a VW plant in Baunatal.  The robot apparently grabbed him and crushed him against a metal plate.

The 22-year-old victim was in the process of installing the robot and it appears that human error was responsible for the accident. But, of course, that’s what the robots want us to think.

Actually, deaths involving robots are very rare and there have only been a couple of fatal accidents in factories over the past 30 years.

~ Cynthia


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